Department of Health and Diabetes Australia
Scope of work
Federal and State Government

The National Diabetes Services Scheme (NDSS) is an initiative of the Australian Government that commenced in 1987 and is now administered by Diabetes Australia. The NDSS helps people with diabetes gain access to services, support and diabetes products.


To enhance the management and functionality of the NDSS, the Department of Health sought to identify better ways to deliver services using modern and streamlined processes.

For phase one, Atturra Cloud & Applications provided technical support to migrate data, integrate various access points, and develop a central CRM.

Phase two involved a creating a public-facing portal for electronic submission of registrations from health professionals, along with addressing marketing and reporting needs

Fast Facts

  • 170+ management and system administrator users spread across all states and territories in Australia
  • 200+ registrations per day in the new system
  • 50,000+ daily integration events (bidirectional)
  • 1.3 million Australians to be serviced on the new platform under the NDSS
  • More than 50,000,000 records attached to those Australians and managed by the new system
  • Integration between NDSS Central and NAV using Azure, Azure Service Bus and Azure Logic Apps
  • Roll out over two phases
  • Transformation of information into reporting database (star schema) and ingestion of data into a presentation layer (PowerBI)
  • Transformation completed using SSIS and orchestrated through Azure Data Factory Runtimes


  • Business processes for NDSS customers were previously performed (in part) by Dynamics NAV.
  • Many processes were still paper-based and manual, costing time and money with no central or accurate data collection method.
  • The national helpline was not integrated into management systems.

“The delivery of this functionality gives decision makers easy access to key data that informs business decisions based on real-time data from a single source of truth. The key data captured and shared includes registrant and participation statistics and key CGM data, wall of which is shared with the Department of Health’s NDSS branch as well as Diabetes Australia and its state bodies as the key users.”


  • In the first phase, Atturra Cloud & Applications rolled out a central CRM using Microsoft Dynamics 365. This was gradually implemented to replace and extend the NDSS customer facing business processes – for Diabetes Australia and Agents.
  • Existing NDSS financial and product management systems (Dynamics NAV/NDSS Connect) were generally fit-for-purpose, so these were retained in the medium-term.
  • Data is now available on an open platform, meaning the Department has access to a dashboard via URL, supported by Azure Active Directory for security, so data is easy to use for non-technical users and stakeholders.

Outcomes achieved

  • The Atturra team supported a digital transformation of application and services processes that were previously paper-based and manual.
  • Manual administration time and human error was reduced, while support became more streamlined with the integration of the national helpline.
  • Through PowerBI, business users and data consumers now have easy online access to interactive self-service reports. Centralised data collection is supporting accurate, timely reporting and analytics.


Microsoft Technologies used:

  • Dynamics 365
  • Power BI
  • Azure Functions
  • Azure Service Bus
  • Azure Logic Apps
  • Azure Active Directory

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