Maximising ICT Potential in K-12 Education with an Effective IT Plan
Schools are at the forefront of leveraging information and communications technology (ICT) to enhance learning and user experience. As the third-largest consumer of ICT among OECD countries, Australian schools clearly recognise the importance of implementing a robust IT plan. As we head towards the next budget season, be comforted that there is an IT plan in place for this significant cost centre.
In this article, we explore the risks of not having a comprehensive IT plan, the benefits of adopting one, and the role Atturra can play in helping schools to develop tailored IT strategies.
IT Function now a Critical Enabler for Schools
Teachers and staff benefit from digital technologies that enable greater connection, to enhance student engagement and motivation and automate administrative tasks. The services offered by the IT function at a school are now seen as a critical enabler, forming the foundation for an increasing number of learning, teaching and administrative activities. This means schools must have an IT plan that allows them to achieve their objectives in an efficient and cost-effective way.
Risks of Technology Investment Without Strategic Thought
As schools continually invest in new technology, they eventually have a mixture of systems, hardware and software that may meet immediate needs but sometimes aren’t developed with a mid-to-long-term strategy in mind.
There are several risks associated with this:
- lack of cohesion and comprehensive plan across the entire school can impede effective change management, increase negative impacts on staff and lead to poorer outcomes in technology adoption and an increase in work intensification.
- Failing to assess and leverage the full range of opportunities technology presents may limit the potential impact of individual apps or platforms.
- Introducing new programs without proper retirement of the old systems can increase the risk of cyber threats, as evidenced by the education sector’s vulnerability to malware encounters.
To reduce exposure to these risks and costly IT mistakes, it is imperative to have clear alignment between technology investment and the school’s requirements during the budgeting and planning cycle.
Empowering Educators Through Strategic IT Planning
Implementing a well-designed IT strategy brings numerous benefits to schools. A defined and agreed work program, aligned with the school’s vision, mission and objectives , helps to ensure the delivery of a future-fit IT environment. One that empowers teachers to engage with students and provide better learning opportunities.
Additionally, schools with an IT strategy and plan are more likely to:
- Increase the uptake and success of new technologies through properly planned change programs.
- Use and manage their IT more effectively, improving their return on investment.
- More easily and accurately forecast their annual and long-term IT budget.
- Have the correct number and mix of staff and services to support the changing IT needs in schools.
- Reduce cyber risk as services, applications, and hardware meet current and emerging standards.
Schools can better assess all available opportunities with a clear direction and IT plan. In many cases, this leads to uncovering new ways of working and new types of services. A program of work also outlines how the vision will be delivered and provides a necessary reference for school leadership during budget cycles and transparency through the execution of the IT plan.
Why Atturra?
Atturra works closely with the K-12 education sector, bringing educational and technological expertise to create an IT strategy that outlines a school’s IT needs and initiative options to achieve its vision and objectives. As a result, teachers, staff and the school community tend to feel confident they will have the technology to support the direction of the school.
Atturra’s methodology focuses on the following domains:
- Leadership, innovation, and community engagement
- Teaching and learning
- Professional learning
- IT systems and services
Collaborating with key school staff, strategies are workshopped, and an IT plan is formally documented. This document captures the background and drivers for the strategy along with specific goals, objectives and actions. It also includes guiding principles identified through the process and a high-level timeline with recommended annual actions.
Make your school’s ICT work smarter in 2024. Achieve goals faster and easier with the right technology planning.
To get in touch with our knowledgeable team, contact K-12 Practice Lead, Brett Auton at