6 ICT System Issues Schools Face

Atturra, 4 min read

Information systems (IS), or administrative and education systems, play a crucial role in the functioning of schools today. These systems provide back-office admin functionality, plus student and faculty functionality allowing the school to manage organisational information. This includes key information like student demographics, enrolments and grades.

Effective use of these systems can improve student outcomes, enhance the effectiveness of teachers, and streamline administrative processes. However, implementing information systems in schools can also present some challenges.

In this article we talk about six common challenges, how to address these through regular systems reviews, and how Atturra can be your expert, and trusted adviser in doing this.


6 Common Implementation Issues

  1. Too many systems: Schools may need help dealing with too many and overlapping systems. This can lead to confusion among teachers and staff, difficulties in data management, increased costs and technical issues. Often systems are adopted because a staff member has used it at another school or has seen it at a conference. This often results in overlapping functionality and data – leading to confusion and lack of clarity about authoritative sources of data.

  2. Lack of governance: Schools may not have a clear governance structure in place to guide the selection of information systems. This can result in a fragmented technology landscape, with multiple systems in use that are not integrated or aligned.

  3. Systems implemented are not up to scratch: Many schools may be using software that lacks the features and functionality needed to meet the needs of the school. In many cases, work arounds are put in place that are never addressed and these become the final solution.

  4. Integration challenges: Integrating information systems with existing processes and systems can be complex and time-consuming and may require significant investments in time and resources.

  5. Inadequate training and support: Teachers and administrators may lack the training and support needed to effectively use information systems, which can lead to low adoption rates and limited impact.

  6. Data security and privacy: Schools must ensure that the confidential data of students, teachers, and administrators is protected and not vulnerable to unauthorised access or theft.

Information Systems Review Process

To address these issues, we recommend that schools conduct regular IS reviews to assess their current technology landscape, identify areas for improvement, and establish a clear strategy for future technology investment.

A typical Information Systems Review process in schools involves these four steps:

  1. Assessment: Review current information systems and assess their performance, functionality, and alignment with school goals and objectives.

  2. Stakeholder engagement: Engage with key stakeholders including teachers, administrators, students, and technology staff to gather input and feedback.

  3. Gap analysis: Identify gaps in the current information systems and assess their impact on the school.

  4. Recommendations: Based on assessment and stakeholder engagement, develop a set of recommendations for improving school systems.

After the review is complete, schools often ask for assistance with next steps, including:

RFP Development: Develop a Request for Proposal (RFP) that outlines the school’s requirements and specifications for the information system.

Vendor Search: Identify potential vendors that offer the type of information system required by the school, and research their products and services.

Vendor Proposal Evaluation: Evaluate the proposals received from vendors to determine which one best meets the school’s needs.

Implementation: Work with the vendor to implement the recommended changes/system, which may include replacing or upgrading existing information systems, or implementing new systems.

Monitoring and review: Continuously monitor the information systems to ensure they are meeting the needs of your school and make any necessary adjustments.

Your Trusted Adviser

Is it time to get the systems review in your school sorted? Come and work with the education advisory team at Atturra to ensure the review, and implementation of new systems is carried out effectively and efficiently.

Atturra can help your school to develop a governance structure to guide the selection of information systems and provide expertise and guidance on the most mature and functional software options available. This will help ensure you’re using the right information systems to support the institution’s goals and objectives.

We have experience in supporting schools to implement many mainstream off-the-shelf products, as well as services like Microsoft Dynamics 365 and the Microsoft Power Platform. With our expert support, your school can successfully navigate this complex landscape and create an environment that supports the delivery of high-quality education.

To find out more, check out our Education page: https://atturra.com/au-en/industries/education or contact K-12 Practice Lead, Brett Auton at brett.auton@atturra.com.

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